Monday, July 13, 2009

Video Storyboard

I want my video to contrast the vast difference between an orderly, structured, monotonous, and identified lifestyle that the average American lives with that of raving. To me a rave party represents a period where everyone forgets all of their worries to simply dance to beats and meet people. Raves demonstrate a complete breakdown of government order. This order allows the government to identify where and what we are doing at nearly anytime through license plate numbers, addresses, and credit card transactions. The purpose of all of this order and identity is to maintain control. Control is a good thing to a certain extent, but too much can conflict with out lifestyles. There is none of this at a rave, a person is free to do what they want without much restraint. There is nowhere else where a person can be so free to forget their worries and behave as they wish without having to worry about being prosecuted for their actions. Without control there are no restraints. The laws of culture are nonexistent at a rave, showing how free a person can truly become.
In my video, I want to start by showing my average American life. Getting up early, showering, brushing my teeth, eating breakfast, going to school/work. In the process of walking to class, I think of all the things that identify me, which at the same time control what I can and cannot do. When I reach a stop sign at the end of the road, I realize I am not truly free with the lifestyle I live. Flashes of rave crowds will fade in and out. The music begins to build into a heavy beat. The other part of my life becomes apparent. As I toss my credit cards and license, I turn off the lights and crack open glowsticks. I swing the glowsticks around on strings, creating floating circles of light. Depending on the movement of my hands, the light from the glowsticks creates different patterns. The camera cuts in and out with the beat of the music. The music fades out and the sound of an alarm clock fades back in. I wake up, realizing it was a dream and that I cannot follow it. The control of society has ahold of me and there is nothing I can do.

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